(5 customer reviews)



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One of the Most Important Products for the Removal of Toxins

Frequency Foods Cleanse promotes a thorough cleansing of the tissues one cell at a time and purifies your lymphatic system (a critical filtration network)
Frequency Foods Cleanse was developed for those with irregular bowel movements as well as those wanting to maintain a consistent elimination regimen to ensure a healthy colon.
Frequency Foods Cleanse is not solely for elimination it is a powerful whole-body detoxification product.
Frequency Foods Cleanse is NOT A LAXATIVE! Frequency Foods Cleanse gently re-establishes the colon function through the use of an all-natural herbal blend.
Frequency Foods Cleanse takes care of the toxins released by the body. A majority of these toxins end up in the large intestine and colon awaiting elimination. When the bowels do not move normally, the toxins present are actually re-absorbed into the bloodstream through the gut wall. This is called `Leaky Gut Syndrome’ and it causes a serious chain reaction of auto-intoxication.
Premature aging begins in the colon and many of our diseases stem from problems in the intestinal tract. Frequency Foods Cleanse creates an appropriate environment for normal functioning. Harsh laxatives are not the answer and at best offer only temporary relief.
Mucus in the bowel commonly prevents proper absorption, distending and impacting the intestinal tract. If you give the body the right tool, the body will cleanse itself.

If your elimination is fairly good and you just want a little boost taking the capsules is perfect. But if you have a chronic condition and a constant battle with elimination the powder is preferable, to begin with.


Most of us are either in need of losing weight or cleaning out the pipes once in a while. There are many suggestions about how to do this and some are actually dangerous. Here is a safe and satisfying way of going about it.

1. Frequency Foods Cleanse: take on an empty stomach once or twice a day. The Frequency Foods Cleanse will clean out stored fecal matter from the walls of the intestine as well as help to repair any damage that maybe there. You will notice your stomach becoming smaller over time. Start with 1 tsp. mixed in orange juice or water or a combination of both. It is best “shaken and not stirred.” Put the juice and Cleanse into a jar and shake thoroughly. It must be completely blended to taste good. Keep increasing the amount by 1/4 tsp. until your elimination is where you want it. Do not panic if you push yourself to diarrhea. This is not a problem. If this occurs, just pull back the amount you are taking until you have arrived at the level you are happy with.

2. Green Garden: take 4-5 capsules with the Enzymes on the same schedule as above. Green Garden helps provide the nutrients you need found in fruits and veggies. Both help with digestion and elimination. Green Garden also helps circulation and health of skin, nails, hair, etc (read more on the Green Garden page)

3. Liyfzymes or our Digestible Enzymes: take 4-7 with every meal and 4 in between meals (at least once a day). Taking Enzymes with meals breaks down the food in the stomach and in between meals goes after unwanted proteins. Enzymes do many things including cleaning the blood, feeding the brain, lowering cholesterol, and digesting fats. (read more on the Enzyme page)

Additional information

Weight .36 kg

5 reviews for FREQUENCY FOODS CLEANSE – 280g powder

  1. L. Hoffman from Iowa

    WHAT WOULD I DO W/OUT THIS PRODUCT!! I have been on FF cleanse for 13 years… I have tried many other products in between but ALWAYS come back to this one. There is nothing like it. It took me a while to get it to work at first because I had to increase until I liked what it was doing. I have told everyone about this product because it keeps things moving in such a healthy easy way and I am sure if it were not in my life I would be in big trouble. If you shake it up in a jar with orange juice and water, it tastes pretty good. I highly recommend FF Cleanse!

  2. P..Steiner from New York City, NY

    THIS PRODUCT SAVED MY LIFE! I am here to tell you that FF Cleanse powder saved my life. I had tried everything and I mean everything to get my bowels to work and I was unhappy with it all. It took about a month to get to where I saw results. I would whine to the company and they would encourage me that I had to keep increasing until I found my level. I did and I have improved greatly in so many ways. Love your other products too!

  3. L. Mayers from Sarasota, Florida

    I have to tell you that this FF Cleanse powder is an honest to goodness life saver. I have tried everything under the sun, but this product is consistently the best one there is. The tricky thing is that you must keep increasing until you get the results you want. In my case, which is extreme, I had to get up to 2 tablespoons. I mix it in a jar shaking it really hard, with water and some orange juice and drink it with a straw so it seems like a treat. I take it every evening around 8:30pm and in the morning like clock work I have a full bowel movement. If I don’t take it and I can go for days without eliminating. I have friends who use the Cleanse capsules, but I have to take way too many to get any results. This powder is a miracle and I am so grateful!!

  4. L. Hock from CARLISLE, PA

    I had a problem with my bowels for a very long time. Fortunately somehow, I found out about Frequency Foods. So I tried the FF Cleanse and does it ever work well! I have been taking the Cleanse for around 5 years now, and it is the best product that I have ever used. I am grateful, L. Hock

  5. Frank Dolfin from Pennsylvania

    I have had elimination problems all my life. I keep trying other things to help, but keep coming back to FF Cleanse. I can depend upon it to do what I need and highly recommend it. thanks

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