The Story of Frequency Foods
My name is Leara Clausing, one of the founders of Frequency Foods. I had been eating organically for 27 plus years and thought I was living in a relatively pristine environment, in rural Washington state. I had been taking huge amounts of supplements, but evidently, to no avail.
At that time, my husband/business partner and I were introduced to a formulator, who spoke our cutting-edge-technology language, and were encouraged by friends to try his products.
"NO!" I said with great resistance." I have tried everything under the sun, and nothing has worked!" After more detailed conversations, we began understanding his ingredients and formulation practices. I was finally convinced to try his products.
Indeed, it was one last chance to regain my health.

In just three days, after I used the product, I noticed some subtle changes. Things began to feel differently. My neck, which had no range of motion, began to loosen. The toxins that had created the immobility seemed to be draining away.
I chose to take huge amounts of product and bulldoze my way through the detox.

I do not recommend this. Detox slowly in order to function, participate in, and enjoy your daily life. Unless you are near to death as I was, you can monitor yourself and determine how aggressive or passive your ideal journey back to health is to be. It took 6 months, before I really felt confident that I was going to live. It took 11 months to declare myself well. I spent almost 9 months in bed or on the floor. "It was a most unpleasant time." It was hard to have patience, but I figured that I, now, had nothing to lose.
As my body continued to detoxify, I was able to rid myself of several garbage bags, full of traditional supplements, which had cost several thousand dollars and were, clearly, not worth a plug nickel. I replaced all of the products I tossed out with only six bottles offered me by the formulator.
The root of my problem was the inability, all my life, to eliminate properly. Everything starts in the colon. If this function is not working well, you, indeed, stand upon a slippery slope. My body was gradually becoming more putrefied; all my internal systems were slowing and shutting down. I had precursors to a stroke, neural dysfunction, fibroid cysts, chronic constipation and even misalignment of my spine.
It took a full nine months to detox my brain, which was racked with heavy metals from various foods, dental work, and toxic environments. But, that's sufficient detail to give the idea of my condition.
If I hadn’t had the experience of demonstrating the power of these perfectly aligned supplements personally, there never would have been a ‘Body Electric’ or ‘Frequency Foods.’ I learned some basic rules that have become the cornerstone of how I work with nutritional clients to this day.

Don’t Wait. Be Smart
We highly suggest a preventative front. If you are healthy now or just have a few health issues - don’t wait. Be smart, now! "As long as you have your health," is as much true today as it has ever been. Toxins come from the air, water, food, environment, or stress, you name it. Your body is equipped to handle a certain amount.
It’s like standing beside a big hole in the ground that you keep shoveling toxins into. In your early years, your body can withstand the toxic onslaught. Sooner or later the hole begins to fill, harden and then compress. Eventually, it will crest and overflow.
Basic Rules
Keep your Supplement Program Simple
It is best to work with one product line only. If you are using several different companies you can often create a toxic soup. Also, if you have a response to a product and call the company, no one knows what is creating the problem and no solution can be offered, as you don't know what product of which company is producing what reaction.
We do not ask you to throw your other supplements away. We do ask that you shelve them for 3 months. At the end of 3 months, you will be able to determine what course of action suits you best. In 32 years, we would say we have about an 82% retention rate, keeping customers for life.
Start with Only 3 Products
Start with three of our powerful, internal products until you realize you are on the right track. (You can start with our amazing oils at any time and the result of our oils are immediate.)
Don't Buy into All the Misdirection in the Market Place
Every company has a story, in order to pitch their products and convince you theirs is the best. And there are some pretty wild and creative spins out there. Our story could just be another contribution to the world of advertising. All we ask is to use your good judgment. Do the research and take some valuable time to discern who is real and truthful.
Our lives changed, but we have also had the pleasure of witnessing many other "miracles" from our earnest customer base. Frequency Foods products have made such a difference in so many lives. We truly wish that everyone could make use of these products and experience for themselves how wonderful it is to live life as it was intended.
We invite you to call for a consultation. We have one objective--to help you be centered and vibrant, but most of all, to encourage you to take responsibility for your own health.