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Newsletter Sept/Oct 2018
It’s a staggering statistic, that there are now 5.5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease.
We are told that by the year 2050 the numbers may be as high as 16 million! Projected costs, mostly dedicated to nursing homes, will be in the trillions. Melissa Schilling, a professor at the NYU Stern School of Business, has just completed a large scale study that clearly associates Diabetes and insulin with Alzheimer’s disease. There are a variety of so-called “Alzheimer’s drugs” on the market, but these drugs do not treat the underlying causes and are designed to simply work on reducing symptoms. That said, the overwhelming evidence indicates that these drugs are ineffective, even as it relates to managing symptoms.
I am quite taken by the fact that hardly any attention is given to the notion of preventing Alzheimer’s in the first place, despite the fact that we now have such solid evidence that lifestyle choices, predominantly diet and exercise, play a huge role. We need to do everything possible to reduce the risk for diabetes as we recognize the relationship between elevated insulin, as is found with Diabetes, and the apparent risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Schilling now confirms the fundamental importance of testing insulin levels to avoid elevated insulin, keeping blood sugar levels normal, precisely because of the implication for brain health. As she was recently quoted in Diabetes News Journal: “We must raise awareness and get people tested, especially those who have been diagnosed with or who are at risk for dementia.” Focus on eating foods that support low carbs, and a diet that’s very restrictive when it comes to simple sugars.
[We are also exposed to aluminum almost daily, which is known to be a factor in causing Alzheimers. Some people continue to cook with aluminum pots and pans. Using aluminum foil when it is cold is fine, but in the oven it will release harmful toxicity into your food. Our no- longer-friendly skies, due to the constant bombardment of Chem Trails, also expose us to dangerous levels of aluminum.]
Dale Bredesen, of the Buck Institute, offered 36 different interventions including reducing blood sugar, increasing physical exercise, lowering homocysteine, optimizing vitamin D3, and regulating hormones, all of which helped to pave the way for Alzheimer’s patients to regain cognitive function. Alzheimer’s is not a disease caused by aging of the brain. No doubt the risk of Alzheimer’s goes up with age, a person’s risk is about 50% by age 85. But analysis of current trends show that the disease is manifesting in younger people, and even more so in developed countries. Again, this only highlights the critical role of lifestyle choices and not just genetic risk factors.
Our environment is a factor, as Alzheimer’s is related to changes in immune function. As researchers at the University of Cambridge recently reported: “High-income, highly industrialized countries, with large urban areas and better hygiene, exhibit much higher rates of Alzheimer’s! Due to exposure to more chemicals, GMO, glyphosate on/in our foods and our sanitized environments, developed nations result in far less exposure to a diverse range of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. This might actually cause the immune system to develop poorly, exposing the brain to the inflammation associated with Alzheimer’s disease.” By the way, I am not saying that diabetics should not take their blood sugar medications, but I am saying that your risk of developing Alzheimer’s, is not improved by medications designed to help normalize blood sugar.
Researchers, publishing in the journal PLOS ONE, followed more than 70,000 newly diagnosed adult Diabetic patients over an 11-year span. Risk of developing Alzheimer’s, a disease for which there is no meaningful treatment, was increased by 76% in the diabetics, compared to age-matched, non-diabetics. Read more about this in a book called Grain Brain, by Dr. David Perlmutter. Prevention is our most important goal, and I’m happy to report that The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan takes this goal to a new level by emphasizing how to incorporate this research into your day-to-day lifestyle in a way that will pave the way for health. In addition, we know that elevation of blood sugar is related to a reduction in size of the brain’s memory center, the hippocampus. As it turns out, this reduction is correlated with both a decline in cognitive function as well as mood disorders.
Type 2 diabetes can quadruple the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. And, according to the results of on-going studies, adding obesity to the picture clearly seems to worsen the situation. The actionable information here is to maintain a diet that’s low in sugar and and carbohydrates, welcome healthful fats back to the table, be sure we’re getting plenty of good prebiotic fiber, a good supplement program, and, by all means, make sure that exercise is part of the plan, every day. When one is overweight less adequate control of blood sugar is present in type 2 diabetics.
Significant brain changes with thinning of the brain’s cortex and disruption of the deep white matter as well as a reduction in brain function, can occur even in the early stages of type 2 diabetes when excess weight is present.
Our dietary choices are absolutely key players in determining our level of insulin resistance. This is extremely important information, especially in a world that would have you believe that you can live your life however you choose and that a magic bullet to treat your ailments is just around the corner. At least as it relates to Alzheimer’s disease, there is no magic bullet. And yet, the data seems quite clear that a simple lifestyle choice may well reduce the risk for this devastating condition. Dr. David Perlmutter
Avoid junk food like the plague because, to your body’s digestive system, junk food IS a plague. And, Don’t take Antacids! They can cause internal bleeding, ulcers, fatigue, and nutrient depletion. Long term use is associated with hip fractures, weak bones and even osteoporosis!I After 50, your stomach muscles start to become sluggish. They contract more slowly, which causes food to move at a snail’s pace through your stomach and bowels. The result? Food clogs up your gut, leaving you constipated.
Another problem is that you produce less bile as you age and bile is absolutely essential for breaking down and digesting fats. If you don’t produce enough bile, food putrefies and ferments in your stomach, leading to gas and bloating after you eat. If you can’t digest your food properly, you can’t possibly nourish your body as Nature intended! Take our Enzymes!! Antacids don’t fix anything. Laxatives only irritate your colon and weaken the bowel muscles. Fiber-rich diets actually make your constipation WORSE and are also bad for your looks. The fact is, all these options can cause inflammation and the depletion of nutrients, aging you more quickly, damaging your skin and hair. Older patients experience weakening bones which can easily lead to falls and breaks .
So what other choice is there? Well, hundreds of our customers have found our Quantum Cleanse to be gentle, effective and easy to take. Abdominal pain, anal bleeding, bloating, and straining are now GONE! If you have chronic gastro-intestinal and elimination issues, you will need to take the Quantum Cleanse POWDER. If you are looking for assistance in moving out the toxins and digesting your food more easily, you will do fine on the CAPSULES. Wouldn’t it be better if your colon got back the healthy, natural lubrication that makes and keeps bowel movements solid, regular and painless? You will also notice your stomach starts to get smaller as you clean out your intestinal tract.
We, at Frequency Foods are always being asked, “What is the best diet to be on?” I spend a lot of time teaching you what NOT to eat, but I have no favorite diet to put you on. It isn’t about being thin as it is about being healthy. It’s even getting tougher to trust medical doctors and dietitians these days. Many of them are pushing chemical-based pharmaceuticals or encouraging you to start some insane fad diet that simply should never even be tried. Just because something is popular on social media or because some celebrities swear by it, doesn’t mean it is healthy OR effective.
Let’s take a look at the top Five Fad Diets that can lead your health right off a steep cliff. Please do not take offense. I am reporting the research I found from people who have no agenda other than sharing the facts. (1)
Most people don’t know the dark side of the Keto diet and they’ll be shocked to find out some scary facts (that are all science-based). The Keto diet basically mimics starvation, except for the part where you eat enough calories to stay alive. The basis of the diet relies on about 75% fat intake, 20% protein, and about 5% carbohydrates. Here are just some of the dangerous reactions (also known as adverse affects) according to Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, a nutritional researcher: “Gastrointestinal disturbances, kidney stones (including in children), hypoglycemia, impaired cognition, nutrient deficiency, poor growth in children, bacteria overgrowth, pneumonia, low platelet count, acute pancreatitis, heart arrhythmia, and of course, death (remember, a highly acidic body is prone to cancer too).” Your cortisol (stress hormone) also skyrockets on Keto. Heart disease increases due to saturated fat overload. One of the major issues is that your cholesterol can get very high, even near to 400 (deadly level) from all the eggs, meat, oil and butter. A plant-based diet would change all that dramatically in weeks.
Can’t get motivated? Got dark circles under your eyes? Feel lethargic all day? Stop wondering why. If you are buying anything with the words “low fat” on the label, which comprises nearly all of the processed, genetically mutated, junk-science food out there, you may want to think again. (If people cheat, they often jump onto the high carb bandwagon, abusing bread, pasta, crackers, you name it). Plus, many low fat products contain artificial sweeteners, like aspartame, which can lead to weight gain. As the body thinks it’s eating sugar, it releases more insulin, which can then worsen diabetes.
(2) How about the Cotton Ball Diet???!! Marta Wright, a dietitian with the Kettering health network, says, “It’s an actual diet that fashion models especially are using right now.” Wait, what? Instead of food, eat cotton balls and you’ll get that “full” feeling and skip some meals during the day! Marta did confirm that the diet will eventually put your body in starvation mode. Oh yeah, is that all we need to worry about?
(3) And then there’s the TAPEWORM DIET. Here’s where you take a capsule with a live tapeworm or two inside it. The worm eats the food you eat, and you lose weight! Just like the idoicy of eating cotton balls, I won’t say anymore on this topic.
(4) The Clay Diet. Clay for detoxification purposes is one thing, but to use it as a diet is another. This was never meant as a meal replacement plan, but some people are very creative. Eating clay in place of good nutrition, removes all the nutrients from your body while lining your intestines with clay.
There are many more popular, stupid, diets and it can be very confusing. Like I said, just use common sense. Stay away from all the “bad” stuff as you have read so many times in these newsletters and eat organic foods whenever possible. Eat more veggies than meat. Definitely eat meat that is grass fed and grass finished and organic. Do not eat fish! Eat only free range, organic eggs, organic chicken. You may eat fruit, but don’t go overboard, drink lots of clean, filtered water (preferably alkaline), stay away from dairy (or buy organic goat products over cow). Stay away from processed foods, breads, sugar, milk, chemical-based subsitutes, (diet stuff, aspartame, artificial anything). Remember that rule of thumb: If God makes it, eat it, if man makes it—Don’t.