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ZeroPoint Global Mint Matrix Oil Vera utilizes nature’s best oils and finest
ingredients to create a powerful all-in-one pain relief and Wellness Oil.
ZeroPoint Global has added Blueprint Frequencies that match the body’s
organ and endocrine system. A body that is energetically in balance can more readily
protect itself.

When combining nature’s therapeutic properties and using ZeroPoint’s infusion
technology, Mint Matrix becomes not only one of the best products for pain
relief but also for anti-aging.

Mint Matrix Oil Vera is 100% Organic, containing Aloe Vera, Jojoba Oil, Peppermint Oil,
Spearmint Oil, Argan Oil, and Safflower Dulse.

 Suggested Uses:
• Apply to the top of head, collarbone hollow, bottom of feet and ankles for energetic balance
• Helps break down plaque and calcium deposits in the mouth
• Freshens breath, particularly if you swallow after brushing
• Use on the chest for congestion
• Put 1 drop in the navel to reduce menstrual cramps
• Relieves upset stomach, gas and bloating; use 2-3 drops in mouth or add to water and drink
• For headaches use 1 drop on temples and back of the skull
• Use for indigestion and heartburn; use 2-3 drops in mouth or add to water and drink
• Use for sore muscles
• Use for mole reduction, apply to the affected area
• Use for infection or minor skin issues
• Use for fungus, under the toenails, for example with saturated Q-tip
• Apply 2-3 drops to the back of the throat and swallow for sore throats
• Use for bites and stings
• Add 2-4 drops to any beverage for flavor and frequency enhancement
• Excellent for neuropathy. Apply for pain in feet, neck or head or to any nerve-related conditions
• For polishing teeth, add baking soda to drops of Mint Matrix on toothbrush; rinse & expel, then add one drop
under tongue

This information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat disease, support human life or to prevent
impairment of human health. This information is for frequency, self-education and research purposes only. Please seek
professional help with health issues. These products are only sold to assist in bringing the energy field and centers into a
a greater sense of balance and coherence and any resulting physical results are anecdotal at best.

Additional information

Weight .1 kg


  1. Madison Girl

    Excellent product with many uses. I would purchase it again to: add to toothpaste, soothe an aching hip, relieve nausea (taken internally or rubbed on belly), rub on feet for a better night’s sleep, and other ways I’ve yet to discover! And, this seller has great customer.

  2. R. Nimkovich Maryland

    I have been using this product for about 5 years as heartburn/acid reflux relief. This 4oz bottle will last me about 2-2.5 years. Whenever I have heartburn symptoms, I take about 2-4 drops in a cup of water. Relief in minutes!

    It’s expensive but it works! My 101 year old dad swears by it for his old arthritic knees. He’s never had knee replacement and he rubs it on nightly. I’m so glad I could find it for him on Amazon

  3. S. Pettis Washington

    Works great smells wonderful. We use it for achy muscles.

  4. Gloria H., CA

    In addition to using the Mint Matrix Oil Vera for gums and teeth with a remarkable decrease in the amount of dental plague and improvement in the reduction of gum pockets, I also used the Mint Matrix Oil Vera with great success to ease the pain of a sore throat, open stuffy nasal passages, and overcome the discomfort of an upset stomach.

  5. Brenda G., VA

    I went to have my teeth cleaned and my hygienist said my teeth looked good and there wasn’t very much plaque. It was the easiest teeth cleaning I had ever gone through.

  6. Velvet C., FL

    For the last 16 years, I have experienced extremely painful menstruation and other not so pleasant symptoms. I have been wearing my pendant every day for about 6 months, but noticed my symptoms were still there. I started using the Laser on the inside of my ankles and in my navel with amazing results. My ankle swelling and other PMS symptoms were dramatically reduced. Now, with the addition of 1 drop of Mint Matrix to my ankles, navel, and lower abdomen, my severe menstrual cramps have been eliminated! I am now active, energized, and feeling fabulous every day of the month! I am forever grateful for these products!

  7. Emma B., FL

    I was given Mint Matrix Oil Vera by my friend. She knew I had problems with my lungs as I have COPD, and she knew that I had a bad cold. I can honestly say that the next day I was breathing much better and on the road to recovery.

  8. Glory L., M

    My lower back went out again and the shooting pain was about an 8. My back would go “out” each year when I work in my gardens and this time it wasn’t as bad. I used the Lasers and did Mint Matrix Oil Vera, Reiki, and Yuen and had energy treatments. I got through that week teaching piano being very careful not to move too much. The following Monday and Tuesday I was feeling better and I would say the pain was about a three.

  9. Werner B., ME

    Fantastic! Even our 10 year old likes it. My gums were significantly stronger. I absolutely love it!

  10. Walda, MD

    On Friday, my back was treated with Mint Matrix Oil Vera and the Laser. When you finished, the pain was gone. It had been getting more severe, and that day, just walking was very painful. It seems like a miracle!!! The pain has not returned!!! It has changed my life. I can move freely and bend and lift!!! Many, many thanks.

  11. Bobby

    Saved me $$ at Dentist for teeth whitening!!! 5 stars

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